Norwegian Champs Middle Qual M21-1 (14.09.2012)
Kategorie: Competition
Karte/Gebiet: Sandermosen
Veranstalter: Nydalen SK
Land: Norway
Disziplin: Middle
Distanz: 3.91 km
Zeit: 23:39
Nice race! 47 seconds from the final - I had about the same amount of time in mistakes/insecurities. With a little bit more detailed terrain/technical orienteering I could have made it to the final - just like I thought up front. Great with my once a week running + 3 times a week hiking. Maybe next year, then ....?
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Norwegian Champs Middle Qual M21-1 (14.09.2012) Norwegian Champs Middle Qual M21-1 (14.09.2012)